Odoo for Healthcare

It is believed that being healthy is a way of living rather than just a goal of your life which you must achieve. Still, a lot of people ignore their health issues due to some or the other reason. This has resulted with increased number of health issues, that has ultimately provoked the healthcare industry to incorporate best IT solutions to easily cope up through various automated processes.

Undoubtedly, in the past few decades, there have been observed a gradual change in healthcare management field. Previously, the processes were painstakingly slow where a majority of the times the mistakes could be easily found on the receipts and hospital billing. But now, as healthcare industry is using different information technology solutions, the healthcare businesses are able to get their job done faster and easier. Different types of healthcare management software are being used by the medical institutions like clinics and hospitals that have boosted the medical care processes.

There are a number of open source healthcare solutions available that restricts or lessen down various manual tasks; ultimately improving the efficiency of the healthcare business in getting the job done faster and easier.

Odoo Healthcare Management System
The Odoo Healthcare Management System is a customized healthcare application that is designed to meet the complex business needs of the hospital. It keeps track of inpatient, outpatient, doctor appointments, billings including all the aspects of hospital operation. Additionally, it tracks each and every medical activity that comprises of- registration, patient activity, staff management, scheduling, pharmacy management, laboratory & inventory management, billing / accounting, documentation, analysis and much more

The centralized module will allow faster, precise access to patient records that will help doctors to move in quickly in case of emergency situation. The automated systems also helps the hospital/ clinic to be more productive at lower costs.

O2B technologies has a healthcare module has some of the basic requirement of healthcare industry which can be further customized as well as per the requirement. Some of the key features of the module as follows:

  • Creating Appointments for the patients
  • Maintaining the status of the Appointments whether the appointment was done or not
  • Adding details related to Therapeutic Diets Beliefs etc
  • Adding Medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding Nursing Plan and Discharge Plan
Inpatient Registration:
  • Creating records for Patients Admitted to the hospital
  • Adding details related to Therapeutic Diets Beliefs etc
  • Adding Medicines provided to the patient
  • Adding Nursing Plan and Discharge Plan
Intensive Care
  • Adding patient ICU information like Mechanical ventilation History , Admission Date etc
  • Calculating Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS )
  • Calculating Electrocardiography ( ECG )
  • Calculating Acute Physiology and Chronic Health evaluation 2 ( APACHE 2 ) score
  • Creating Patient Records with Patient details like Name , Address , Gender , Birthday etc
  • Adding other information like Diseases History, Patient PSC Total, Medication given so far, Appointment History of patients, Patient Diet and Exercise details, Patient addiction Details, Patient lab Tests, Patient Genetic Risks Details, Patient Gyneco details, Patient PAP Smear details, Patient Colposcopy Details, Patient Obstetrics Details, Patient Surgery details, Patient Socioeconomic Details etc
  • Create Lab test Requests
  • Create Draft Lab test results in the lab test templates provided
  • Enter the Lab test results in the lab test templates
  • The new born details like Baby's Name , gender , Length , Cephalic Perimeter , Weight , Date of birth , doctor in charge etc are maintained
  • Neonatal Signs and Symptoms like Meconium , Positive Barlow , Talipes Equinovarus ,Transversal Palmar Crease ,Syndactyly etc are maintained
  • Neonatal Reflex Check details like Grasp Reflex ,Swimming Reflex , Babinski Reflex , Moro Reflex , Sucking Reflex etc are maintained
  • APGAR Score of the Child is maintained
  • Pediatric Symptoms checklist is maintained
  • Creating Invoices for Lab test, Appointments, Prescriptions
  • Automatic Entries in the Balance sheet
  • Creating records for patient admitted in hospital
  • Adding details related to therapeutics diets beliefs etc
  • Adding medicine provided to patient
  • Adding nursing plan and discharge


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